Selasa, 16 November 2010


Lin Jun Jie was born in Singapore and graduated from Saint Andrew's Junior College before launching his musical career in Taiwan. He is of Hokkien descent. In addition to English, Mandarin and Hokkien, he is also able to speak Cantonese and has released several cover versions of his songs in Cantonese. He came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region. In Taiwan, he was awarded the "Best New Artist" award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
Signed to Ocean Butterflies, he has written songs for various artists, notably "Ji De" (Remember) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, fellow label mate A-do's "Fang Shou", Harlem Yu's Gan Ma Ni Kan Wo Bu Shuang Wo (幹嘛你看不爽我), Comic Boys' "Chao Ren Xin" and other songs. He writes all the melodies for all of his albums.
He has got award as:

- 第一屆 <滾石音樂詞曲創作比賽> 歌唱組亞軍

- 新加坡電視機構 <宜康卡拉OK歌唱比賽> 亞軍

- 海蝶音樂舉辦第二屆《非常歌手訓練班》畢業

- 阿杜新加坡巡迴校園演唱會嘉賓

- 台灣HIT FM HITO流行音樂獎–第二季 HITO 十大金曲《翅膀》
- 榮獲新加坡金曲獎-最佳新人金獎
- 台灣HIT FM 2003年度HITO聲猛男新人
- 入圍馬來西亞第三屆金曲紅人頒獎典禮最有潛質新人獎

- 中國Music in 中國Top排行榜 港臺地區最佳新人&最佳作曲《放手》
- 中國原創歌曲獎-最受歡迎男歌手;最佳編曲〈第二天堂〉、海外最佳 創作人、最佳製作獎
- 第四屆全球華語排行榜頒獎典禮 - 年度20大金曲〈江南〉
- 台灣第十五屆金曲獎 最佳演唱新人獎
- 百事音樂風雲榜提名港台、海外華人最佳新人

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